Glass and Pen : Together



“Mirror, mirror..”

Wow, it’s been a while. Work has been taking up a lot of my time… as a full time job should. But as much as I enjoy getting paid more, I really do miss focusing on just my projects. This glass art was one I completed really quickly just for fun. I bought an oil-based sharpie pen while ago and I tested it out on a dollar store mirror I bought.

Gotta love the dollar store.

I haven’t decided how to use this mirror or this technique yet but we’re looking to buy a house soon. But that’s for another blog post 😉

Where have you been, girl??


Hello everyone! I have not been posting as often, I know. You know. I know, ok, we got it. As you may have read in my previous posts, I am about to start a new career! So things have been a little crazy in the transition and once things cool down and I have a more set schedule I will go back to posting about my designs.

NO! This is not a hiatus, I still will be posting just not as often. And I am also working on my blog and trying to tweak and edit it. So expect new things! yay!

Follow Me? Stalk You? : My New Professional Instagram


My art has its own Instagram!

So I’ve been really enjoying learning calligraphy and experimenting with watercolors and all the fun stuff I’ve been posting on the blog but I never really post it on my personal Instagram. I just feel like it’s slightly irrelevant to my other posts. But I really wanted to document and share my journey so I decided to create an Instagram just for my art! It’s called :


(insert applause)

PaperJoiPrints shares my calligraphy, designs, pens, and anything else that I’ve fallen in love with recently. Currently I’ve been posting my designs for the Letter It June challenge. Were given a certain phrase to write and share every day. So far I’ve been pretty faithful. So props to me!

So if you have an Instagram then add me and follow my journey! Also share with me what you love to do and what you’re passionate about! Or comment down below!


More Ideas Than Time



“My brain has too many tabs open.”

It’s been a while since my last post, but I have been creating I promise! I recently started an Instagram just for my designs and calligraphy. I also have been doing a daily lettering challenge that I post on my new Instagram. But I’ll introduce it officially in the next post!

I actually have a lot of projects to do : wedding tags thank you’s, bride and groom signs, thank you cards, etc. Plus my sister is visiting this week and honestly I’ll be so lazy since I’ll be on vacation! Yay! But I promise to do my best to keep this blog updated.

Anyways, the watercolor flower background for my image above was inspired by a bridal bouquet I found on Pinterest. I just duplicated it on Photoshop and added the text. I think it’s a good representation of what a lot of artist go through. Creative inspiration isn’t something to be wasted! here’s what I do to make sure I don’t waste any creative moments:

1. Keep a notebook/sketchbook handy. Sometimes I’ll just be sitting in church and I get think about designs and I write it on a bulletin Then I lose the bulletin along with my amazing ideas. Now I keep a smaller soft cover sketchbook in my purse! Then I never lose my ideas it again.

2. Organize your Pinterest. When my Pinterest wasn’t organized I couldn’t find any of my pins! I was too general. Now I have a board for Calligraphy, Graphic Designs, Marketing, and each individual project. It’s just easier that way. Trust me.

3. Screen shot your fav Instagram pics. Then have your own board for it! Or organize accordingly. I started doing this a while back because Instagram inspires me so much but I can never find the photos I liked and for what project. So I solved that problem. Just remember to give credit to the artist/Instagram account!

Any other tips? Let me know below!

You’re a gem! : Watercolor Rocks!


“Watercolor rocks!”

No, not like “rock out” but an actual rock, gem, type thing. Anyways, I caved in and subscribed to Creative Cloud and I have Photoshop again! Woo hoo! My design game is back. Is it worth $10 a month? Ask me in a year.

I accidentally created this gem painting yesterday and I loved it! It was so beautiful. But I ruined it with my calligraphy… So heartbreaking. I hate when I do that. The ink bled all over the painting and instead of crying like I usually do, I just repainted it but better! So this is the finished project and once I get a printer (or find a place to print it) I’d like to make it into a card for the shop. I also used Photoshop to add the text.

If you watch YouTube you must know Michelle Phan. She actually inspired my painting since she’s into this crystal, gem, mystic, medication thing. Love the colors! But I’m not really into singing bowls and henna. I do love this card and how it turned out.

Watch Michelle Phan? Have a favorite YouTube star? Let me know below!

Doily Placecards : Hand-written

DoilySingle“I’m not there yet but I’m closer than I was yesterday.”

Another listing! Place card doilies! So darn cute. I found these on a Michael’s run and if I was planning my wedding again (and it was in the spring/summer) I would love these!

Right now I’m working on the photography for my listings and I’ve been brainstorming and drafting and making a mess of my dining room. You should see it. There’s glitter everywhere.

Next is pricing which I’m hoping my hubby will help me with. I’ve read article after article about people who try to keep their products affordable but go bankrupt! So I need a greater mind. The end of May is closer and closer and my deadline is right behind it! Get ready everyone! It’s coming!



Deborah’s Birthday : Watercolor


Goooo Deborah!

So it’s my good friend Deborah’s birthday today! If you’re reading this, happy birthday! You’re awesome. For real.

Of course, I made her a card… super late. I know! I’m so sorry! But I’ve had a few projects I’ve been working on and I get lost in a time warp and forget the calendar. I love this card though. I tried something different and used the first letter of her name and her favorite color. I honestly could use this as a print as well. (If you want a print for your apartment, Debs, I got you.)

Anyways, I think I could add this to the portfolio. I’m proud of it. AND I bought this paper as a background and honestly, I don’t know if I like it. I tried to soften it with Photoshop but I don’t know how I feel about the editing.

Is the editing weird? Have any Photoshop tips? Let me know!

Etsy Shop Name : Brand Identity




Out of all of the things to do when opening of my shop you would think that picking a name would have the first thing on the list… but it wasn’t! The procrastinator inside me is so strong sometimes. Honestly though, a lot goes into the identity of a name. It’s what customers identify you with, its what they use to find you in the search engines so it has to be easy to remember, and it sets the mood of the products you sell. It’s kind of a big deal!

I chose to use “joi” since its the most unique part of my name and easy to remember. I also knew I needed to identity that I create paper and stationary goods but I didn’t want to limit myself to just that, which is why I added “print”. That way I can add my graphic design prints to the store one day without it being too confusing.

Anyways, I could change the name eventually. Maybe. One day. But for now I needed to commit. So what do you think? Does it sound weird? Be honest… Let me know below!printjoipaper

Etsy Shop, We’re On Our Way!


“OOOooooh! We’re half-way there!”

It’s finished! After weeks of roughs, mock ups, and second-guessing myself I’ve come up with a completed project. Three cards, each with a similar theme design, packaged and tied up with a pretty bow! These little guys have had at least two photo shoots and I still can’t decide how I want to display them. But if I’ve learned anything its to that sometimes you just have to do things… basically not to over think and sacrifice progress.

I ordered these sealable plastic bags to protect the cards during shipping and tied them up with a tag. Love it.

I’m considering have a soft opening for a month or so then around the end of June having an official opening. Mostly, its just to test the waters and get out any bugs while I can.

Well I need to take my dogs out for a walk before I hide in my creative bat cave for a few more hours. Doctors recommend getting something called sunlight everyday so I decided to try it out.

Look out for my next post about my shop! It’s happening, guys!


Pretty Place Cards : Watercolor

image1-2 “You can’t sit with us.”

Another Etsy project! Handmade watercolor place cards! My little store is slowly but steadily progressing and I have at least two more items to list on my shop. I gave myself a goal to have at least three items to list before I opened and I’m over half way there! Get excited.

So half of these are written with my NikkoG nib and India ink but the threads of the watercolor paper shredded into my nib and caused all sorts of drama. So I switched to my Cocoiro Letter Pen and things went a lot smoother.

I have a couple more projects before my shop open at the end of the month (fingers crossed) but I’m excited (and a little scared) to get started!

Have you ever opened an Etsy shop? Let me know below!